Thursday, November 5, 2009

How To Make Homemade Chocolate In No Time

By Kareechy Ken

Chocolate is a favourite and studies have shown that chocolate is an aphrodisiac. When sitting watching TV most people always have a slab of chocolate besides them to nibble on now I am going to give you a few tips on how to make homemade chocolate.

The first thing you need to do is purchase all the items you will need for making homemade chocolates and can be found at any craft shop. You will need to take your time when choosing moulds as there are hundreds of different designs available as well as festive moulds.

Once you have chosen the moulds you need chocolate and there is also different kinds of chocolate which comes in rather big slabs or you can buy one slab of each flavour. Homemade chocolates are delicious when they have a fillings so you can also buy various different fillings as well.

Once you have obtained all the necessary items and ingredients you are ready to begin making your chocolates which I might add is a whole lot of fun where the whole family can join in or just a few friends.

The very first step is to begin melting the chocolate and the best way to do this is by placing it in a double boiler if you don't have one then you can also use a microwave or even the oven can be used. Lay your moulds out and open your packets with the fillings and once the chocolate has melted down you can then spoon the mixture into the moulds and then add the other ingredients. Make sure that the moulds are filled to the top and that they are level.

When you are finished just bang the trays on the table to make sure you have got all the air bubbles out and then you can put the trays into the fridge for an hour or until they are set. In the meantime you can prepare your box or jars to put the chocolates in. When the chocolates are set remove them from the moulds and they can now be eaten. You can make up gift parcels for friends and family now you know the technique on how to make homemade chocolates.

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