Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where To Buy Acai Berry Juice

By Mark Roberts

You may have wondered where to buy acai berry juice which can be a beneficial supplement and is one of many new supplements to hit the market in recent years. Acai Berry juice is a refreshing and enjoyable form of acai berry product. The best acai berry juice is processed at the source and in glass bottles. Plastic bottles tend to leach.

Acai juice is similar to blueberry flavor and the palate may notice a hint of cinnamon or chocolate. The juice blends well with yogurt, milk or hot water for a refreshing tea. Acai juice will also nix well with other juices such as grape, pomegranate or blueberry. It can add a lot of flavor to other juices or juice mixes.

Pure acai berry juice has among the highest ORAC value obtainable for any known berry. The ORAC value for acai berry juice being higher than blueberry or pomegranate frequently positions it as the number 1 superfood found on most top ten lists. What you'll not detect in pure acai berry products are added refined sugars or fillers. Many acai berry product have additional sugars or fillers that perhaps is the reason you possibly are finding A good deal; always scan the label or better still contact the company. Some acai products contain a type of sugar called guarana that is often utilized as a filler and sweetener.

Pure acai juice benefits can be realized because it is contains protein, fiber, potassium, vitamins C and A. If that was not enough it acai juice contains essential fatty acids such as Omegas 3, 6 and 9 and these fats are vital for the overall health of the human body. A pure organic acai juice will have a noticeable oily sheen on the top when poured into a glass and this is due to the omega oils.

When shopping to buy organic acai berry juice or adding acai to your diet review the products available and avoid the ones with added sugars. If you wondering where to buy acai berry juice consider the following. Guarana is a sugar and a stimulant and if you need that extra jolt in the morning well it is not such a bad thing. If you want the best acai juice products then consider ones that are certified organic, kosher and purified at the source.

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