Saturday, August 8, 2009

Have You Heard About Blue Light Acne Treatment?

By Jason Cartwright

Have you ever thought of trying blue light acne treatment for your acne? Though this skin condition is not fatal, it can cause serious damage to both teen and adult skin, and ruin your self-image.

Since acne is so widespread, there are a number of acne cure treatment methods, all promising the same results. One such highly specialized treatment has been introduced by dermatologists where acne and its scars can be cleared cosmetically.

This modern cure is known as blue light acne treatment or "photodynamic therapy". Here, an acne sufferer is placed in front of a special blue light for about 20 minutes a time for up to 8 weeks - according to how bad their acne is. The focused blue light works by eradicating the acne-inducing germs.

A topical balm called Levulan may furthermore be employed in tandem with acne light treatment. Levulan will cause the skin to become pink and crust although it is also thought to assist in the general reduction of acne and acne scars. Blue light therapy has been around since the 1970s, although as an acne treatment it is a new addition to cosmetic dermatology practice.

Advantages of Blue Light Acne Treatment

Blue light acne treatment is still reasonably new and the long-term side-effects are unknown. Yet, there are several immediate pros to this sort of skin therapy.

The first is that patients can choose a blue light acne treatment clinic over other medications which have known side effects. Antibiotics are commonly set to lower acne but long-term use can cause patients to become resistant to antibiotics in general, leaving them at risk of infection. Accutane is another acne medication which can cause severe depression, suicidal ideation, and birth defects. Women of child-bearing age using Accutane must have monthly pregnancy tests.

Number two - If you always forget to take your antibiotics or apply that acne cream, then blue light acne treatment is a great alternative.

Number three - it is also a great option for people who have had no luck with another acne cure treatment. So if your body struggles with acne lotions or medications, you have more options available.

Fourthly, light acne treatment can now be used at home. These inexpensive kits can help treat your acne from the comfort of your home. However, these kits are not as potent as professional blue light treatment, so their effectiveness is still unknown.

If blue light acne treatment is something that you cannot afford utilizing, then it is best to settle on an affordable, natural cure for acne with a small number of side-effects.

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