Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Healthy Snack Ideas That Work

By Charissa Bear

If you are trying to lose weight, you are always going to be looking for some healthy snack ideas. Fitness instructors and nutritionists might not always give you the same advice. You probably also talk to friends, family, or colleagues who are on a diet too. It can be hard to know what methods are effective for maintaining your weight.

Snacks are important because they provide us with energy and sustenance in between our major meals. It is even more necessary to take snacks if you have a very active lifestyle at work and outside. Sometimes, it is too easy to just grab a burger or anything from the vending machine. Before you know it, your body has consumed more calories than it needs.

Remember that snacking helps prevent you from bingeing. It alleviates hunger and boosts your energy anytime of the day. Healthy snacks, therefore, contain nutrient-dense substances and as little of carbohydrates as possible. You do not need to deprive your taste buds to snack healthy either. Refer to the following list of all-time favorite healthy snack ideas that are also recommended by many dieticians and nutritionists:

Fruits and Nuts. Apples, orange slices, bananas, frozen mangos, and frozen grapes are easy to prepare and eat. Dried fruits also make a good option as they are more calorie-dense and helps prevent overeating. Fruit smoothies and fruit yogurt are some interesting and tasty variations. With regard to nuts, raw almonds, raw mixed nuts, and dried peas are the top choices. Bean salad, walnuts, and sunflower seeds also make good snacks.

Vegetables. Obviously, one of the healthiest snacks you can have is a nice green salad. Vegetables like cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, pickles, celery and hummus can energize your hectic day in a healthy way. You can combine them with tasty dips to make snacking delicious.

Healthy Meat and Prepared Eggs White meat like tuna and chicken breast can be the baselines for tasty, healthy sandwich snacks. Boiled eggs, on the other hand, are also simple to make and have a lot of beneficial vitamins and minerals. These eggs contain lots of Vitamin A, iron, calcium, iodine, and so on.

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