Thursday, August 27, 2009

Organic Gardening - Advice For First Time Growers

By Susan Honeywell

Putting the decision to grow herbs and vegetables organically into practice may look like an overwhelming task, but you will quickly see that growing without artificial fertilizers or pesticides is very rewarding, and also easier than it may seem at first glance.

Organically grown vegetables and herbs are safer, healthier and also taste better than those grown with the help of chemical products, plus you can save get for free what would cost you at the grocer's.

When starting with organic vegetable and herbal gardening, you should prepare a composting box as soon as you can. Good compost is by far the best fertilizer for your garden and also acts as natural pest control. Contrarily to popular belief, your compost heap will neither smell nor look unseemly.

Your home-made compost will also fulfill a secondary purpose: it will help your organic garden to retain moisture, and as a result you will need to water your edible plants less often. Put all your kitchen waste and also any garden cuttings you may have onto the compost heap, but avoid great quantity of fish and meat remains.

You'll also need to source organic seeds or sprouts for your organic vegetable and herbal gardening project. In most cases, commercial seeds are not organic so you will have to make doubly sure to get the right starters.

There probably are specialized shops that sell organic seeds for gardening in your area, but you can also buy them through an online shop and have them mailed to you. Online is probably better for most users, as you get the convenience of choosing from home from a bigger catalogue, and as for all mailed products you can return organic gardening supplies if they are not up to your expectation.

To begin seeding, don't start your organic garden outdoors right away! Use a glasshouse or put your seeds inside the house, where it's warm. Let them sprout on a piece of damp cotton or paper and then transfer them to small pots and let them grow a bit.

Once the first leaves are showing, put them into individual pots as a preparation to outdoor planting in your organic garden. There are some fine composting pots that you can use, plant them in the ground together with your seedling and let them act as extra natural fertilizer for your organic garden.

Next, think about your soil needs for the organic garden. You will need several bags of organic soil, depending on the size of your herb and vegetable plot. Good organic soil will result in fewer bugs and mites, and will make your plants healthier. Substitute old soil with a new batch, if necessary.

Fill your windowsill pots with organic soil, or put a layer of at least six centimeters in your outdoors organic garden as topsoil. Ass compost and you will be on the right track to grow delicious and healthy organic herbs and vegetables.

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